Angelic Energy Healing
How Angelic Energy Healing Works?
Angelic energy healing is a spiritual healing modality that works on healing individuals on multiple fronts (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual). During a session, Dr. Silveyra spiritually connects with angelic and etheric healers on behalf of the individual seeking healing. She acts as as a base of power for the energy of these divine beings to come through and perform their work. As the divine light comes down, it is directed and drawn into the person with the help of Dr. Silveyra’s hands. The healing energy enters the individual’s consciousness, auric field and physical body. Heavier, stagnant energies are cleared out with the light and healing & supportive energies are pulled in.
At PT Healing At Home, we offer angelic energy healing treatments to provide deeper levels of healing in the mind, body & spirit of each client. Dr. Silveyra is an intuitive angelic healer and is happy to offer this service as an addition to the work she does as a doctor of physical therapy. By providing the two, Dr. Silveyra is hoping to more fully impact her clients’ ability to heal and find peace within their lives.
Self care & wellness practice
Individuals may also be interested in receiving angelic energy healing treatments as part of a regular and continued form of self care practice. Many clients gravitate towards this work as an effective approach in supporting them during difficult and challenging times due to the powerful and gentle nature of this work. Clients are welcomed to provide little or no information prior to the session to receive the benefits.

is angelic healing for everyone?
It is not. Not all individuals are interested in receiving care of this nature or knowing about it. We respect this. Physical therapy clients at PT Healing At Home are not pushed to receive any care they dont want. Rather, our goal is to simply make this service open & available to those interested in receiving it.
Is angelic healing right for me? If you’re looking for physical healing in addition to PT or other allopathic approaches – this work can support you. If you’re looking for mental and emotional healing associated with your physical condition OR entirely separate due to stress, life events, PTSD and/or trauma – this work can support you as well.
Is Angelic Healing The Same As Reiki?
Both are energy based healings, but the energies are very different. Reiki is performed by an individual tapping into universal energy, while angelic energy healing is performed by angelic beings with energy coming from a celestial source.
Sessions of angelic energy healing treatments are $175/60mins.
For a limited time, a complementary angelic energy healing of 30 minutes is being offered free to all first time physical therapy clients who are interested in receiving this service.

if your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.
jack kornfield
the healthcare expansion of biofield therapies (Energy healing)
Energy healing, also known as biofield therapies, is a growing practice that includes many forms of energy healing. With growing interest in alternative care & higher consciousness, these therapies are now finding a place in the healthcare industry in the United States and around the world. This growing field of biofield therapies is now commonly used in conjunction with mainstream medical care.
Today biofield therapies are now providing care in several top U.S. hospitals and clinics for both its patients and staff. Hospitals and clinics affiliated with John Hopkins Medicine, UCLA, Yale University, Stanford University, Harvard University, Duke and NYU are among the most notable providing these services, including the Cleveland Clinic, Cedar Sinai & Mayo Clinic. Children’s hospitals including Children’s Hospital Boston, UC Davis Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital Orange County (CHOC) are also among the many children’s hospitals now integrating these unique services. Many healthcare practitioners are even now receiving continued education units in biofield therapy. What was once considered strange and unusual, is now becoming common practice and mainstream in several high profile, reputable hospital & clinics.
As integrative medicine grows and continues to find the right balance between conventional treatments and complementary medicine, it is likely we will continue to see energy healing grow more deeply within the healthcare industry. For now, the body of evidence is growing and more research is being conducted to better determine its effectiveness and its application to several types of conditions and illnesses – both physical and mental.