What is Angelic Energy Healing?

At the end of the day, we’re all just energy – moving around, coalescing into different forms, and interacting with each other. All matter is merely energy condensed into a slow form of vibration that we understand as the physical universe around us. Angelic energy healing is the process of channeling or inducing this energy to flow and exist in a more harmonious, beautiful, and healthy state of being, which can be achieved by those who are in tune with the spiritual realm and used to help heal and relieve others of their pain.

Qi Meridians

The ancient Chinese medical system was based on the concept of “Qi” (pronounced “ch’i”), or life force. They believed that this intangible but interactive and powerful force flowed through the body along “meridians”, or lines similar to longitude and latitude on a globe. By using techniques such as acupuncture or specialized massages, they believed that they could manipulate people’s Qi into a more stable, healthy, and conducive formation. 

In the same way, angelic energy healing attempts to manipulate energies and forces to provide you with a healthier and happier life. Even the staunchest atheist or materialist has to admit that energy is everything, and energy is essential to life. It’s not that far of a leap to think that there might be other ways of affecting it than what we can measure, quantify, or experience with our limited five senses. 

How Does Angelic Energy Healing Work?

Although it will be different from practitioner to practitioner, angelic energy healing has some defining characteristics. The healer will channel the angelic energy and will allow it to flow through their body into yours. This acts as an energy wash or shower, which will cleanse you and refresh you.

If you are feeling blocked, stuck, or hurt because of trauma in your past, angelic healing can help remove the energy blockages and allow you to heal. Angelic healing focuses on a multi-modal system of wellness, in which the physical is merely a representation of the metaphysical world, the Platonic world from which all function gets its form. In this way, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are as important as physical health. 

Modern Medicine

Modern medicine is based on a series of assumptions about the universe and the physical world. The vast majority of modern medical practitioners could be described as “naturalists” or “materialists”. Although many doctors and nurses are religious, medicine itself is viewed as an “atheistic” or “deterministic” science, in which all phenomena and processes can be understood as merely systems acting within the physical universe.

While this is an effective method for science, and has been validated by the success of the scientific method, many people believe that it misses a major portion of what it means to be alive and function within the universe.

It’s a clear fact that processes are underway in this universe that are unseen and unnoticed. Over 80% of Americans still believe in a God, a “higher spirit”, or some form of a soul. This is a clear indication that the vast majority of people in this country intuitively understand that modern science as we know it is missing the capabilities of interacting with this higher, spiritual plane of existence.

However, given that this spiritual realm exists, as many people believe, it stands to reason that it would affect this world and our lives even more so than the physical realm. If this is where meaning, life, and reason itself came from, then it can be understood as the “cause” that created the “effect” of the world we inhabit today. Given the nature of causality, making small changes in the spiritual would have a major impact on the physical.

Thoughts, Energy, and the Physical

Energy is directed through our thoughts, and it’s been shown that positive intentions and beliefs precipitate a positive life and positive things happening. This is known as the “law of attraction”, and it has been understood by cultures and religions for millennia, expressed through concepts like Karma. 

Those who can tap into a celestial or universal source of energy can act as conduits for this divine healing energy, drawing it into your body and using it to perform acts of healing. If you simply believe that it will help and place your mindset right, the simple act of focusing your intentions on healing will facilitate the process within your body easier.

Even if you don’t think it’s possible, or are a staunch atheist, what could it hurt? Is there really a major downside to giving this form of medicine a shot? Remember, this materialistic society we live in is not the norm for humanity, as we have usually been living in much more spiritually aware and attuned cultures. 

There’s lots to gain and little to lose from giving angelic energy healing a shot, so if you can find the right practitioner for you it’s an idea that could change your life and lead you to the healthy, happy, and fulfilled life you always wanted.  

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